Sunday, October 9, 2011

Infused Oils

Before making homemade infused oils, we should first consider the two types of flavor oils.  One type of oil is the type of oil used for cooking candy and flavoring chocolate.  The other type of oil is an herb infused oil used for dipping bread or for flavoring croutons.  Since I've had little luck making an infused oil that is suitable for candy making, I'll be talking about

Herb Infused Oils
There are several different methods for making homemade herb infused oils.  The method I like best is to heat the oil on the stove or in a double boiler, bruise the fresh herbs being used, stuff the herbs in a clean jar, and fill the jar with the warm oil.  The jar should sit for several days before the oil is ready to use.  If you like, you can also use a similar method by filling the bruised fresh herbs in a container with the carrier oil and placing this container outside so that it is exposed to sunlight.  Though there are many ways of making infused oils, it is best to find a recipe that you like and then try that recipe.  This way, you will be sure of your results and will have some idea of how long your infused oil will last.  Here is a good information source which gives a rundown of the different methods of infusing oil.

Basil Garlic Infused Oil Recipe
Methods for making herb infused oils  

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