Sunday, October 9, 2011

Homemade Pasta #2

Our second try at making homemade pasta was once again successful.  Just like last time, we used a simple recipe consisting of two eggs and two cups of all purpose flour.  Though we used the same recipe, this time I threw everything in a food processor to do the hard work for me.  The only draw back to doing this was that I had to kneed in more flour before rolling the dough in the machine and also in between rolling it since it was sticker than when I mixed it with a fork.  However, once the right amount of flour was rolled into the dough, it was just as it should be and cut just fine.

Though the end result was great and quite tasty, making the pasta did not come without some difficulty along the way.  At one point the pasta machine began to come detached from the table.  This created some annoyance and caused us to have to re-roll some dough due to it tearing.  Another issue came when I tried cutting the dough when it was to sticky.  This caused the dough to stick in the machine.  Though I was not happy with this at the time, it was an easy fix.  I just grabbed the crumpled strips of pasta, pressed it back into a ball and rolled it again with more flour.  The dough did not suffer in the least from being cut, re-rolled and cut again.

So our next step in pasta making will be trying a new recipe.  I think the best thing will be to stick with eggs for now but to try whole wheat flour.  After that, we'll try spinach pasta and maybe another flavor before trying pasta made without eggs.

Homemade Pasta #1

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