Thursday, August 25, 2011

Making Unprocessed Foods - How to Get Started

Making unprocessed foods does not have to be a daunting and time consuming task.  The trick is to start small and gradually add to your knowledge as well as to your pantry.  A good way to get started is to look in your grocery cart before checking out and take note of what items are processed foods versus base foods.  Remove any processed foods that you or your kids can do without.  All that should remain is the base foods and the processed foods that you feel you cannot live without. These foods may be things like yogurt, bread, or butter.  These are all excellent foods to start with.  However, if you have kept snack foods like potato chips, ice cream, Jello or candy, maybe it would be best to start with these items.  You will be surprised how easy homemade jello is.  Making your own ice cream is also easy, especially with a machine.  Making your own chips or candy, may take a couple tries at first, but you will love the results.  Even junk food is better for you if you make it on your own and definitely more economical.    a
Another way to start unprocessing your food is to pay attention to the ingredients that are called for in your favorite recipes.  If these recipes require ingredients which are processed foods, consider learning to make these foods first.  Once you've identified some processed foods you would like to try, make a list and do a search for recipes for these foods on line.  Save your favorite recipes to try them when you are ready.
Since you cannot learn everything at once, keep it simple.  If a recipe calls for mayonnaise and chicken broth, consider making your own chicken broth first and using a natural store bought mayo.  Then measure and freeze your remaining chicken broth.  The next time you make the same recipe, try making homemade mayo and then use your frozen chicken broth.  Eventually, you will have your freezer and pantry filled with unprocessed foods and making natural recipes will take no time at all.  Lastly, to get started making unprocessed foods, consider investing in cooking machines.  A bread maker, ice cream maker, pasta maker or yogurt machine area all very convenient tools for helping you to replace processed food in your kitchen and pantry.

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